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Skin Diseases

People today seek quick remedies for skin problems because these are visible and are therefore embarrassing in their social and official lives. What they do not understand is that they are only treating the symptoms. Unless they correct the ‘cause’ of the problem, they will never find a permanent solution.

What do Alternative Sciences say about the ‘cause’ of skin problems?

According to Ayurveda, all skin disorders are caused due to imbalances in the Tridoshas;  ie. Vata, Pitta and Kapha. The dosha mainly involved with skin disorders is pitta. Pitta symbolises heat or fire. Therefore all foods or activities that increase the heat or fire in the body, should be eliminated. Imbalanced doshas affect the skin, blood, muscle tissue and manifest as discolouration, lesions, itching etc. 
Another known cause of skin disorders is acidity. Whenever the body gets acidic due to indigestion, the toxicity or amas will increase. An acidic body is weak. It is prone to auto immune diseases like skin diseases, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, rheumatic arthritis, lupus etc.
We know the skin is the largest excretory system in the body. A good digestive process consists of ingestion, digestion, assimilation and excretion. Intake of correct foods and the right physical exercise will ensure good digestion. This, along with lifestyle changes, assures us of perfect and systematic excretion through respiration, perspiration, urination and defecation. As a result the body becomes alkaline. This environment is NOT conducive to the multiplication of fungus, bacteria, virus, parasites or micro-organisms that create skin disorders.
In other words, our immunity system is at optimum condition in an alkaline body.

What are the remedial/ maintenance measures to protect the skin?

Strict control of food consumption and disciplined lifestyle changes will assure you of glowing, healthy skin.
Recommended food: 
  • Light and wholesome
  • Bitter vegetables and green leafy vegetables, seasonal fruits
  • Old cereals (not freshly harvested)
  • In case of non-vegetarians, mutton is preferable to chicken
  • Drink 2 to 3 litres of water daily, to maintain the body in an alkaline state.
  • Intake of heavy, spicy, oily, sour  and cold foods
  • Usage of tobacco products, alcohol and drugs, as an anti-ageing technique
  • Causes of stress. Stress causes skin disorders like eczema, psoriasis, acne, rosacea, vitiligo, dermatitis, hives, lichen planus etc
Adopt disciplined lifestyle changes
  • Good rigorous exercise routine for 30-60 mins, at least 6 days a week
  • Regular 7-8 hours of sleep to keep your nervous system calm and stress free
  • A weekly oil bath to maintain soft, shiny skin and for lubrication of joints

What does I-Chrysalis do for the treatment of skin disorders?

  • The first step toward understanding a patient’s problem is Consultation. During this time, we listen to what discomfort the patient is undergoing, understand the body prakruti, eating habits, lifestyle, genetic lineage and stress level.
  • We educate the patient about the ‘cause’ of the problem, so that he understands the process of healing.
  • We recommend an appropriate exercise module ie. Yogatriggs Health Module. Practise of this helps to detoxify the body and maintain its alkaline status. The exercise module also helps to increase one’s oxygen intake, betters the digestive power and improves the excretory systems. This in turn improves the skin texture and makes one look younger. Additionally, improved muscular efficiency and endurance levels, increases the vitality and vigour of the body. 
  • Through our unique system of  Micro Dieting Techniques, we design a specific dieting schedule to suit an individual’s body prakruti. This ensures no vitiation of the Tridoshas.
  • To get total control and fast remission of the specific skin disorder, we use Advanced Acupuncture Techniques. Specific combination of Marma points aids the speed of healing. These techniques are time tested and proven protocols.
  • In chronic and old cases, we also recommend traditional Ayurveda medicine to complement the treatment. 

For further details visit our website:
OR for consultations call: 08884127420
Dr Jose K C  MD  Ph D M Sc PGDY
Consultant –Integrated Medicine
Cell: +91 98451 64750


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